
Fallout 3 lines of dialogue
Fallout 3 lines of dialogue

fallout 3 lines of dialogue

While i a not much surprised by the record for New Vegas, as it has huge non-linearity, i find quite unbelievable that Fallout 3 could have been the previous record holder. The article claims to quote Guinness World Records 2011 - Gamer's Edition. The game contains around 65,000 lines of dialogue, beating its predecessor and previous record holder Fallout 3 which contained 40,000 lines of dialogue. The game established the new record for the most lines of dialogue in a single-player action role-playing game.

fallout 3 lines of dialogue

I am a bit sorry to start a thread for a so specific issue, but i was quite surprised when i read this on the Fallout New Vegas wiki article.

Fallout 3 lines of dialogue